Wellness Wednesday for November 6th 2013

Wellness Wednesday highlights topics in nutrition and health that I come across in my daily life as a dietitian. My hope is to inspire you to live a healthier life through cooking, healthy eating, and exercise.

Between the lower temperatures and the sun setting much earlier, I find myself loosing the motivation to exercise. By the time I come home from work, it is dark and cold. All I want to do is make a cup of tea and sit on the couch. My busy fall schedule is not helping my motivation either. I realize I need to get back to exercising before too much time has passed. After talking with some friends, I realize others share the same obstacles. Here are some motivational quotes and imagery to get us back on track.  Let’s continue the good habits we started earlier in the year or begin new ones. It is never too late to live a healthier you!

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Sources: cardiotrek.ca, annaaparicio.com, maximizemylife.com, nexercise.com, crossfitbrentwoodhills.files.wordpress.com, pinterest.com/cardioplaylists, mensfitness.tumblr.com

Written by Suzie Bonder

Suzie Bonder MS RD is a Registered Dietitian in the state of New Jersey and the founder of SDO Nutrition. Suzie specializes in nutrition and weight loss counseling. Follow Suzie on twitter @SDOnutrition.