Benefits of Adding Variety to Your Exercise Routine

Adding variety to your exercise routine can help you stay committed to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Variety is the spice of life, especially when it comes to exercise. It can be a challenge to stay committed to one form of activity, but here is a suggestion to help you achieve your health goals.

exercise routine

Recently, I committed to a cutting-edge, 90 day exercise routine. This intense calorie-burning routine consists of daily workouts to be done at home, 6 days a week. The first 3 weeks flew by. I was highly motivated and doing really well. However, by the 4th week, I found myself gazing out the window midway through the workout, wishing I was walking in the nearby park. At that moment, exercising in my living room just seemed boring, especially on beautiful summer days. I wanted to turn off my DVD player. I wanted to be outside in the warm sunshine!

park exercise routine

I realized my exercise routine was conflicting with my daily schedule and keeping me inside the house on a beautiful day. It was affecting my motivation and ultimately my commitment to live healthier. How could I stay committed to a 90 day program, if I was fading after only 21 days? My goal was to work out several days a week. It was a problem and I knew two things for certain.

  1. Sticking to a single exercise routine can get boring after a few weeks.
  2. Substituting one exercise routine for another can add variety. This will help me stay motivated and committed to a daily exercise routine.

I have found that adding variety to my exercise routine is more beneficial over time. So, whether I go for a long walk, jog around a track, or exercise at home, staying active is all that matters.

Find a variety of physical activities you enjoy and start moving! Instead of forcing yourself into workouts you don’t like, commit to physical activities you enjoy.  Realize that variety in your exercise routine will keep you motivated and can improve your health.

Written by Suzie Bonder

Suzie Bonder MS RD is a Registered Dietitian in the state of New Jersey and the founder of SDO Nutrition. Suzie specializes in nutrition and weight loss counseling. Follow Suzie on twitter @SDOnutrition.